A review by broomesbooks
Spellbound by Jean Copeland, Jackie D


I enjoyed aspects of Spellbound but I felt there was a lot of potential that was left unexplored. 

Time travel pulls Sarah and Ayotunde out of the middle of the Witch Trials and into present day America. They, along with Sarah's descendent, Hazel, are pulled into a fight they had no idea idea was happening. There were some interesting takes on hellhounds, demons, witches and supernatural hunters. 

Sarah and Ayotunde and Hazel and Raven were paired together as romantic interests, but there wasn't as much development as I liked. It was very insta-love, with the typical character that creates jealousy, but in the end turns out to be a great person. 

The connections between the love interests were, eh. That's legit all I can say about it. It didn't feel chemistry between any of them and it was disappointing. I honestly can't recall much about this storyline, just that I spent a lot of time trying to make my way through it.