A review by peggyemi
Bewitched and Betrothed by Juliet Blackwell


This is one of my favorite paranormal mystery series and this tenth installment was worth the wait, in my opinion. Juliet Blackwell has done a wonderful job of crafting the character of Lily Ivory. Over the course of ten books, the reader has watched Lily grow in both her magic and her relationships. She had gone from solitary witch to building a family and community that supports her and provides her with friendship and love. With this 10th installment, the author continues to develop Lily's magic and her position in the magical community. The mystery element was well done and this book had me hooked from the first chapter. Like every other book in the series, once I crack open the book I just want to devour each page.

I am looking forward to what this author has in store for Lily, Sailor, Oscar and all the other secondary characters as she continues to grow and develop this series. I will definitely be back for more.