A review by astraia_sun
The Book of Whispers by Kimberley Starr


I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I very much enjoyed the Book of Whispers. Set in a time period I don't read much (The Great Pilgrimage, now known as the First Crusade), it definitely transported me into a different time and place. Luca can see demons, and when his father gives him the Book of Whispers, he soon discovers there's a lot more at stake. He goes against his father's wishes and joins the Pilgrimage to free the Holy Land, but his main goal is at first saving his father's life as he had a prophetic dream about his death. And then, Luca meets a young woman named Suzan, and together they uncover a plot by the demon Thanatos to possess hundreds of thousands of people.

I appreciated the research the author did about several aspects of the Crusades, and the terrible things that happened. The humans did enough terrible things even without the influence of the demons the author inserted into the story. All in all, it was a spellbinding story that kept me reading, wanting to find out what happened and what was in store for the characters.

My one problem is I felt the book ended a bit too abruptly. I wanted the falling action to be fleshed out a bit more. I wouldn't say it was a bad ending, but I think it could have been nice to see a bit more after the climax, as we spent years with this characters and then after everything, it just stops. It wasn't enough to put me off the book, and I enjoyed the book very much.