A review by chan_fry
Policing the Black Man: Arrest, Prosecution, and Imprisonment by Angela J. Davis


4.6 : In eleven essays, written by academics but accessible to laypersons, this book lays out the case that the U.S.’s criminal justice system is (and always has been) a system of injustice for black men. The citations are meticulous, with dozens (hundreds, in some cases) of sources listed at the end of each chapter, along with explanatory end notes. I would recommend it to anyone — except perhaps those already deeply familiar with the issues.

Since one can always find a flaw, I’ll say I thought the final essay was the weakest, both in writing style and organization; I wish it had been in the middle somewhere. Maybe a better ending (for me) would have been for Davis to summarize the policy proposals mentioned throughout the book.

(I have published a longer review on my website, complete with mini-reviews of each essay.)