A review by willowbiblio
The Passion According to G.H. by Clarice Lispector


"Holding someone's hand was always my idea of joy. Often before falling asleep-in that small struggle not to lose consciousness and enter the greater world- often, before having the courage to go toward the greatness of sleep, I pretend that someone is holding my hand I go, go toward the enormous absence of form that is sleep. And when even then I can't find the courage, then I dream."
I can respect that, for some, this author and this work are truly epic and awesome. I think if I had realized it was more akin to a philosophical exercise than a narrative with a traditional plot I would have approached it differently. As it was, reading about a dying cockroaches mandible spurting while trying to eat my lunch made me want to get through this as quickly as possible. I ended up skimming because for someone who used so many words, Lispector seemed to say nothing at all.

I accept that I likely wasn't the target audience for this one and will possibly avoid her in the future. Thought this would be a good palette cleanse from Wheel of Time but it just sucked.