A review by amritesh
Darwin: A Life in Poems by Ruth Padel

I was thinking how on earth it came that I,⁣
that am fond of talking⁣
and hardly ever out of spirits,⁣
should so entirely rest⁣
my notions of happiness⁣
on quiet. The explanation, I believe,⁣

is very simple. During the voyage⁣
my whole pleasure was derived⁣
from what passed in my own mind⁣

admiring by myself extraordinary views⁣
while travelling wild desert⁣
and glorious forest. Excuse⁣

this much egotism! I give it to you⁣
because you will soon teach me⁣
there's greater happiness⁣

than building theories⁣
and accumulating the facts⁣
in silence and solitude.

This is, as the cover states, a biography of Darwin, written entirely in the form of poems. The writer, Ruth Padel, is the great-great-granddaughter of the man himself, Charles Darwin.⁣

The poems are beautiful, the research extensive (which shows), and the whole book is presented in a very delicate, graceful manner. ⁣

The book is filled with footnotes, explaining things, the sources etc. I had the fortune of meeting her this year at the JLF, where I got my copy signed (nope, not bragging).⁣

So, if you are a fan of poetry or someone who wants to know more about Darwin, I would highly suggest you pick this book up.⁣