A review by ksiegner
The Dead Girls Club by Damien Angelica Walters


Thank you to Crooked Lane Books and NetGallery for the Kindle Version of the ARC This book is to be published December 10th 2019.

To be honest, I wasn't sure about this book when I started reading. It didn't help that the ARC on the Kindle isn't formatted great. Though, once I was used to that it was a fantastic read.

For those that don't know what this book is about: Heather and her friend were a part of the Dead Girls Club. Obsessed with gore and true crime, there were stories about serial killers and imaginary monsters. This included the Red Lady, a witch killed centuries before. These were just stories to Heather until her best friend, Becca insisted the Red Lady was real. This lead to Becca's death.

So what happened to Becca?

I loved the back and fourth between Heather's tween years in The Dead Girls Club and her current life with a husband and a career. It gave a great contrast between the changes you go through from tween to adulthood.

It had suspense and wonder, making me want to continue reading until I knew what was going on which led me to finishing the book in basically two days.

There are some dark topics, but it is written in a very real way. It feels like this could have been an actual story that has happened.

Thank you again to Crooked Lane Books and Net Gallery but a special thanks to Damien Angelica Walters for written such a great book.