A review by beth_waller97
The Perfect Neighbour by Susanna Beard


Thank you to NetGalley and the author for this eARC of The Perfect Neighbour ahead of release.

This book was a fantastic read, and I was gripped instantly by the dual POV.

Beth is a suburban mum from Kingston, finding herself moving to a well-off area in Reading - away from friends, family, and most of all, familiarity.
In her quest to find something to do, she starts introducing herself to the neighbours, but something doesn’t quite feel right about the house next door. Just why are they so private? Is it wrong if her to snoop?
When Beth does a spot of investigation, thanks to her dog Ruff and his Houdini-style escapes, she uncovers something a lot more sinister than just a well-to-do family in Reading.

At the same time, we’re introduced to Sofia, a Bulgarian girl who didn’t realise what she had until it was too late. Shipped off to England to work, Sofia finds herself 2 years into a Domestic Slave situation, and her time appears to be running out. Will she escape in time, or will her captors ‘get rid of her’?

This book uncovers some of the stark, gut-wrenching realities of Modern Day Slavery, and how it happens. It is heartbreaking to learn the process, and even worse to discover exactly what happens to the girls who are trafficked into it. The writer has obviously done their research, and the facts are there on paper.

Along with this, the book is written beautifully. Only 207 pages long, this makes for a medium to fast-paced read, but keeps all the details and excitement of a longer novel. I couldn’t put it down, and was so invested in every little detail of the book.

My only disappointment was what was found in the rose bushes. I won’t spoil it, because it really did have me hanging on the edge of my seat, but I was expecting a much more sinister find.

All over, a great read! Would definitely recommend if you’re looking for a touch of thrill as we head into the spooky seasons!