A review by drewrosem
Inferno by Julie Kagawa


I cried. And books that make my cry are always books/series’ I know I will keep in my heart.

I’m so satisfied with the series as a whole and the paths of Ember and Riley and Garret up to the end. This series hit me with such emotion and amazing characters and plot. I love how Ember and Garret ended up together, being the Romeo and Juliet of a Dragon v. Human world (though they thankfully didn’t die). In the beginning, I found Riley or Cobalt to be a nuisance, getting in the way of Ember and Garret, but I ended up loving him just as much as the two love birds. I really liked how he and Mist ended up together and I know they’ll be happy, which makes me happy. I’m really happy Tristan survived and that Ember and Garret may have forever together! Though Garret should’ve turned into a dragon.

I cried when Dante died. The way Ember wanted to continue on with him by her side made me weep and mourn for him. Of course he pissed me off because he was blind with pride of what Talon and the Elder Wyrm really were. It pains me as much as Ember that he didn’t survive to be alongside his sister again, but at least he had died helping his sister.

I am so satisfied with this series and I loved every single book. I loved the message this sends, saying that we shouldn’t hate or see those who are different than us as “bad” or “evil”, and we should get to know each other. We’ll end up realizing that they aren’t that different from us. I love the message, since it’s something that unfortunately still needs to be know to many people around the world. Overall, I loved the Talon Saga. May it always live on in my heart.