A review by andrearbooks
Jasmine Zumideh Needs a Win by Susan Azim Boyer


In 1979, Jasmine's dream is to attend NYU, but she knows to get in, she needs a stellar list of activities. She sees an opportunity to make her dream come true by running for class president - only for her activities, she lists she IS the president. And so begins a contentious campaign. Jasmine's campaign and life are complicated by conflict between the United States and Iran. Jasmine has to decide where she stands and how she wants to react. This was a good read about a teen deciding how she connects to social issues and also how that connects to the wild world of high school. On a personal note, there were some mentions of Manhattan (the Kansas one) in here that I loved as a K-Stater. Thanks to NetGalley for the look at this November 2022 release!