A review by librarybonanza
Can We Save the Tiger? by Vicky White, Martin Jenkins


Ages: 4-10 years

An introduction to extinct & endangered species including the tiger, sloth bear, partula snails, bison, kakapos, and several more. Jenkins provides explanations regarding the dwindling numbers including beauty, ferocity, need for big stretches of land, introduction of nonnative predators, and disease. Jenkins doesn't ruthlessly blame humans for inhumanity but reveals the reasoning behind past actions--reasons that can be overcome. Jenkins explains success stories and the potential for much more. His last quote has a beautiful simplicity:

"When it comes to looking after all the species that are already endangered, there's such a lot to do that sometimes it might all seem to be too much, especially when there are so many other important things to worry about. But if we stop trying, the chances are that pretty soon we'll end up with a world where there are no tigers or elephants, or sawfishes or whooping cranes, or albatrosses or ground iguanas. And I think that would be a shame, don't you?"

I hate to over exaggerate and call something a masterpiece, but this is pretty darn close. The artwork is engrossing, astonishing, and accurate (the artist has traveled across the world to draw and paint animals in the wild). Large pages and the charcoal medium capture movement, grace, and natural beauty from the tiger to the vulture. Jenkins' expertise on endangered animals derives from his consultant undertaking for the World Conservation Monitoring Centre, which checks on the status of endangered species around the world. Jenkins doesn't sugar coat the situation, but states that giving up protection efforts is not really an option. A conversational tone, this book is best read out loud and is a great introduction to programs on endangered species.