A review by randomly_kait
Aimee and the Heartthrob by Ophelia London


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I've been in sort of a reading slump lately, and that's just been really sad for me. So one day, during my dinner break at work, I picked up my phone and started reading this book that I had downloaded forever ago and then promptly for got about... And I loved it. Not that it really surprised me. This book falls right in with What I Love, with the Boy Band and what not.

There aren't a lot of stories out there about Boy Bands {at least, I don't think so... I could be wrong} and I thought it was cool that this one didn't glaze over anything and try to make it seem like everything was peachy all the time {because really, how believable would that be?} and I also liked the relationship that the boys had. They fought and got on each others nerves, but they still loved each other like brothers.

Miles. Oh swoon. I think that it's the British accent that makes him seem so fantastic. And Aimee was adorable too... Although sometimes it was hard to remember that she was 16 because of the way she talked sometimes. I mean, I totes know that it's lowkey cool to talk like that now.... But it really makes the person sound way young.

Though this book was a little predictable at times, it was a fun, cute, quick read, and I would recommend it to anyone who's looking for something that's not overly serious and heavy.