A review by kingaphrodite
The Ables by Jeremy Scott


It is vaguely possible that I came in to this book with a bias perspective. Jeremy Scott gave his Youtube popularity via criticizing other people. And I feel like I could see the writing trying to avoid any 'plot holes'. However this actually led to some overexplaining. If the main character is being sincere, he's ' being the most genuine.' This happens with basically everything.
The concept was interesting, because superheroes (ie people who have powers) who also have a disability while it's been done is still an interesting concept. However, while one star was given because of this concept this wasn't exactly done super well. The main character's disability is being blind yet in very weird fashion he is given 'sight' from another person. This actually makes no sense and ruins the point of this concept. Another disability is how someone cannot walk properly all the time, yet this actually never becomes a factor at all.
The plot is also pretty contrived and there are some weird plot points and world building issue that really made this book lose its realism and fantastical element.