A review by audiobookmel
The Sorceress Queen and the Pirate Rogue by Jeffe Kennedy


Review originally posted at BooksOfMyHeart.net.

I had a great time with this novel. The characters continue to grow (the first book starts off more YA than my liking, but moves away from that YA feel to a more adult style story as the characters grow with their experiences). This story picks up where the first one leaves off (you need to read this series in order).

Jakral “Jak” Konyngrr is a full human raised on a ship with his warrior mother and pirate-like father. He feels like he doesn’t live up to the shifters of the group. He is a bit self destructive with excessive drinking (though he holds his liquor well). He is also great with his knives and makes up for his inability to shift with his deadly accuracy with his blades.

Princess Stella is the twin sister of Astar (hero of the first book in the series, The Golden Gryphon and the Bear Prince). She is a very powerful sorceress, especially for her age. She is able to see into the future and has seen part of her future, but is only seeing so far into the future. She is convinced she is destined to die alone, so she distances herself from the others. She’s also an empath, so she avoids touching except when she’s healing someone. How could she ever have a relationship that involves touching.

The thing I love most about this series (and really all of Kennedy’s books) are the characters. I love all the different personalities that she creates. I love how all of these characters have pieces of the parents (who you meet if you read The Twelve Kingdoms and The Uncharted Realms series, though you don’t have to read them to follow along with this series), but are their own person. I have had such a great time with this world she has built. I look forward to the next book in this series.

**I received a free copy of this book and voluntarily chose to review it.