A review by theatlantean
When the Sky Fell: In Search of Atlantis by Colin Wilson, Rand Flem-Ath, Rose Flem-Ath


Some interesting facts, less so with the ideas. They have done half the research... enough to come to some interesting conclusions about some things, and some presumptive conclusions about others. What often happens in these books is that some decent research is done, and some good points made, but then the authors get a bit carried away, the research principles slip, and soon they are making propositions, looking for evidence to support it, and finding some, and going off on one about their new theory. Have they forgotten how to conduct a scientific investigation? (The answer is 'yes'.) you must also look for evidence to refute your claim, and just evidence in general, and then reformulate. Without the checks, it is worthless. Sorry.

I like the information about the starting locations of agriculture, and think that 'might' point towards the conclusions drawn. But i would need a whole heap of evidence more than that presented here for such a conclusion.