A review by courtney_saba
Heart of Fire by Bec McMaster


Goddamn. What is it about dragons? They're about as fascinating and as guilty a pleasure as vampires are to me. Though it's so difficult to find a genuinely good dragon romance. What's that about?

I'm pleasantly surprised at this one. Overall rating is a 4.25.

The story was intriguing and somewhat original. Obviously, there were some cliche things, including dragons loving gold, stubborn and challenging female catches the eye of a powerful and immortal being, bad guys after the hero because there must always be a villain that's jealous of the hero, rapey and creepy minor character, "I don't know what I am," mate trope, royalty and evil queen set up. The usual.

Despite these things, some of which I don't fully object to, the book was really great. I really liked the characters and the set up for more to come in terms of battles, political/court intrigue, forbidden romance, power displays, and "what is she???" will be answered, hopefully.

One complaint:

The book ends on a good note, but it's a cliffhanger since there is a lot more to come in terms of plot and overthrowing evil (of course, why not). And the author has decided to write each book in different characters' perspectives, with a new love story in each subsequent book. I don't like this, especially when the most important characters, Freyja and Rurik, still have so much to offer. I get it, introduce new characters and point of views, but it also doesn't make much sense. I wish the sequel was a continuation instead of Haakon and Ardis's love story. Granted, that confrontation will be epic and exciting and tension-filled, but I'm a little disappointed in this direction the author chose.

But then again, I may change my mind. It's not like I've read the rest of the series, yet. Though Haakon is less interesting than Rurik, and I'm not entirely sure I'll continue with the series at this point. Time will tell.

Overall: I probably wouldn't re-read this, but I would definitely recommend this to dragon lovers and fans of a romance in a medieval-like world. Definitely one of the best dragon books I've read.

Happy reading, Goodreads fiends.