A review by natalie_and_company
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson


Fascinating to read the origin of the scary house story. In reading this it felt so supremely familiar as I recalled the many many haunted houses very obviously modeled after Shirley Jackson's Creation. The manifestation of the house itself, instead of something that is supernatural in itself. The concept of something made by human hands becoming super human-esqe is chilling and thrilling all at once. 

The eerie conversations of the characters in the book made me feel like I myself might be loosening some screws in the process of interacting with Hill House. The rambling nature and characters ability to continuously talk over each other is very isolated. A trip gone bad if you will. Everyone on a different wave length, far away from your own and the void to traverse in closing this gap will take everything mind, body, and soul, away from you. 

The introduction in the Penguin Horror Collection from Guillermo Del Toro is a wonderful addition to the story as well.