A review by guiltlesspleasures
Soft Flannel Hank by Eliza MacArthur

Did not finish book. Stopped at 58%.
It’s a DNF at 58%, I’m afraid. This started SO strong, with wonderful writing, an intriguing premise and fantastic spice. And the cover is beautiful. 

But then, it became an endless loop of “you want to leave!” “I thought you wanted me to leave!” “I have to leave!” “Why did you leave!” and Esther moves to about 16 different places in approximately two days. 

We’re meant to feel their fear that the bad guys found them once again, but then they never show up. And then Esther and Hank move again.  

Then Hank tells her, endlessly, “I’ll take care of you. I won’t let anything happen for you. I’ll die for you if I have to!” He has known her three days. 

It’s a mobius strip in book form 

MacArthur needed to tighten things up a LOT and maybe add a sub-plot or something to add interest. Because it just isn’t holding mine. Bummer.