A review by ks2_alwaysreading
Checkpoint Charlie: The Cold War, the Berlin Wall, and the Most Dangerous Place on Earth by Iain MacGregor


This book turned out to be better than I thought. I'm really not into Cold War history, nor do I know much about it, specifically the East/West Germany story, but after being in Berlin a few years ago and seeing the Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, some locations where attempted wall jumpers were shot, etc, this book intrigued me. I am glad I picked it up. It was an enlightening and enjoyable read about the Wall's history, specifically centered around Checkpoint Charlie. I admit it did drag at times and I had trouble remembering the names and stories of people mentioned throughout the book, but it's a decent 4-star book.

It's also crazy to think that the the wall came down in 1991--only a few years before I was born. Berlin has been reunited together for only a little longer than I have been alive!

And this book really makes me miss Berlin!