A review by fexelli
Anoka by Shane Hawk


I wanted to like this. I loved the idea behind it, but the execution was just extremely poor. This felt throughout like a teenager's first attempts at horror, relying on the most basic of tropes. The dialogue was sometimes very stilted and unnatural (and not in a creepy way, coming from characters that had no need to feel 'off'). Every story except Orange (which was alright on its own, but I wouldn't consider it horror by any stretch of the inagination) had no real twists and went exactly the way I expected, just using basic horror ideas to give gross imagery (which sometimes worked, sometimes just felt forced). Overall I would say the only story in this I felt was worth my time at all was Orange, which has a good twist at the end, but it was more of a genre-less short story than any sort of creepy horror tale.