A review by pilgrimgossip
The Forever Dog: Surprising New Science to Help Your Canine Companion Live Younger, Healthier, and Longer by Rodney Habib, Karen Shaw Becker


If you really love your dog and want to give her the best care, with an emphasis on diet this is one of the books you should read. Obviously, the title is a bit of an exaggeration, but it peaked my interest. I found some new information in here. I've been feeding my dog Lili a homemade mostly fresh "human grade" diet for most of her life. She just turned 14 and we've been her guardians for 12 years. The book reinspired me to keep motivated when it comes to trying to get her to eat more healthy food. I've gotten a little complacent in the last few years because she is the pickiest fucking eater and doesn't like anything, but after reading this I went out and bought a bunch of health addons she probably won't eat and she surprised me. So if nothing else it renewed my commitment to making the rest of her life as livable as I can.