A review by wendythegeekgoddess
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley


Victor Frankenstein is an intelligent man that pursues Science. He strives to recreate mankind and thus the creature is born! Unfortunately its hideous appearance terrifies Victor and he flees from his invention. Victor goes weeks, months, and finally a year before he comes face to face with the creature whom he created only for the creature to tell him his story of isolation and sorrow. When Victor finds out that this monster killed his youngest sibling and is threatened by the creature will Victor be able to destroy to what he gave life?

Tis the Halloween season!!! This book is very interesting, the only reason I took off 2 stars is because it was so depressing at times! Yes the novel is amazing with a great morale to it but its mood was so morbid. Mary Shelley wrote this novel during the era where science exploded, she seemed to write the novel to say to scientists "Do what you want but do not play God or this might be your punishment". The character of Victor is so well developed and when you read his tale you feel as though he is right in front of you and personally telling you his tale of woe. Although the book is quite tragic it is filled with events that will keep a reader interested and sitting at the edge of their seat.


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