A review by johnbreeden
Die verborgene Wirklichkeit - Paralleluniversen und die Gesetze des Kosmos by Brian Greene


As always, I enjoy and admire Brian Greene's extensive knowledge and ability to draw down extremely difficult ideas into real-world presentations. For that reason, I am very impressed with this book. At the same time, it is not an easy read/listen. Brian Greene goes to great lengths to give insight into fundamentals such as String Theory. The difficulty is that by nature this must be brief. Having read his past works, I have a basic understanding that can be carried over into this discussion. I love the style and approach of this book. I also acknowledge that it isn't for everyone.

My final thought is that anyone interested in this topic - the multiverse - should first start with Brian's other works to lay a foundation before approaching this. It is well worth the extra effort in order to engage with such scientific exploration.