A review by cec_loves_to_read_books
How to Spell Catastrophe by Fiona Wood


What a sweet little read this book was.

In How To Spell Catastrophe by Fiona Wood we meet Nell McPherson who is a catastrophe expert, and keeps a journal of catastrophe preparedness. But nothing has prepared her for the impending catastrophe of her mum's plans to merge families with boyfriend, Ted and his annoying daughter, Amelia.

To top it off friendship woes mean grade six is turning into an emotional obstacle course as Nell moves away from her old spelling bee friends and into some rule-bending with new girl, Plum.

Nell needs to find a way to face the biggest catastrophe of them all, climate change, which has been too big for her to get her head around despite her grandmother Map being a longtime eco warrior. Nell campaigns for all of grade six to attend the School Strike 4 Climate and suddenly old friends and new are united for the cause. Along the way plans to foil the family merge may even give way to an understanding that it might not be such a disaster after all.

Lots to love and nothing to loathe in this middle grade goodie!