A review by charlottehenleybabb
The Omega Objection by Gail Carriger, G.L. Carriger


I was gifted an audiobook of The Omega Objection (San Andreas Shifters series) through a giveaway by Gail Carriger.

I found the book most interesting in the trope of many romance type novels (not my favorite genre) which seems to be any variation of "S/HE could not possibly love ME because..." Both of the principals were adorable in their own way, the kinds of guys I would like to be friends with as I am definitely not their type nor a shifter at all--just a human groupie, maybe. Tank in particular is familiar to me as both my dad and my brother were large men, often challenged because of their size.

The idea of a different kind of shifter made a good change of stakes, as well as the change of culture that would allow a gay pack to exist in a previously ALT-RUT stereotype. It made the conflict believable and not just a comedy of errors. I found Carriger's description of pack dynamics interesting as well. I am not that familiar or fond of Vampire/Werewolf/Zombie tropes, but these characters were each developed enough, and accepting of others enough, for me to relate to them. I very much enjoyed the kitsune characters as well as the other varied supernatural extras.

I am very familiar with Carriger's work, especially the Parasol Protectorate and Custard Protocol series. This one is lots of fun for people who like M/M erotica and werewolves in particular. Even though I generally would not have chosen this genre, I liked it, found the writing powerful, and the story engaging.