A review by caseemiller
Die For You by Michele Mills


It’s the end of the world. Almost. After a virus swept the globe and killed billions, there are only a few survivors. Survivors whom are immune to the disease. No one knows why. It’s the wild west out there and no one is safe.

Rachel Donnelly watched her entire family die of the virus. She doesn’t know why she is immune. What she does know is that she may be the last person that is alive in California. When she decides she can’t stay at her home anymore, she heads for the freeway. Which was not the best choice. There she meets Adam Sanchez, an ex-marine that is also immune. Not to mention his incredible survival skills.

Adam wants Rachel the first moment he sees her. One problem…she’s nineteen years old. He’s in his thirties. Rachel is obviously someone that needs to be protected. She appears to be completely naïve about the situation that they are in. She’s soft and unprepared for the new life they have found themselves living. Adam has very specific sexual preferences and he’s pretty positive that Rachel will never be able to give him what he needs.

As the months go by, Rachel slowly changes into a strong, capable woman that may not need Adam. They have found a home base on a farm where they will be self-sustainable. They are also safe from nuclear fallout. Nothing goes as planned, of course. Rachel loves Adam and has to convince him that they are right for each other. It’s not as hard as she suspected it would be, but that doesn’t end the problems that come their way.

Now they know that there are survivors out there. Evil survivors that care nothing but taking what they want. Good survivors, people that want nothing more than to be safe and find a community to be apart of.

I really, really liked this book. I’m a sucker for dystopian/post-apocalypse books. This series immediately had be hooked and moving onto the next book.

Rating: 4 out of 5.