A review by skyepieonthefly
How to Fake a Moon Landing: Exposing the Myths of Science Denial by Darryl Cunningham


I'll just start by saying that I do believe in the things he is discussing in his book, and honesty I am probably the audience that is most likely to pick this up. I know a little bit to have a fairly good idea and opinion on the topic but want some good solid facts to back this up when discussing with the naysayers.

I felt this book was too rudimentary for it, in fact it came off as an angry person arguing on Facebook and pulling facts that they heard somewhere. In fact a large proportions of his "sources" are the same ones her critiques for spreading this misconceptions.

Also I feel that the graphic novel medium was not used to its potential. This felt like a bunch of pamphlets that he tried to connect to pictures, which did not add to his argument.

Overall I feel this was a good idea, just poorly constructed