A review by cari1268
Incarceron by Catherine Fisher


I enjoyed this book. The concept stretched my brain a little bit and the characters were interesting. I especially enjoyed Finn and seeing his struggle with not knowing who he was.

However, this was book was a little slow at points. I felt like the character development stayed stagnant from about halfway through the book and on. The book started feeling like it was jumping from one adventure to the next without the characters or plot moving. Finn stopped worrying so much about who he was and Keiro stopped being so devious. I also got very tired of Claudia at parts. She seemed like a little bit of a contradiction. She was supposed to be very good at playing the political game but she frequently "blurted out" stupid things.

I wanted to give this book three stars... but then I realized that I spent a whole day reading it when I should have been doing other things. So despite the above faults, this book is addicting! I'm only too sad that I couldn't find the second one on Kindle because I really wanted to see how everything turns out. Don't read the first one if you can't get the second one!