A review by __livesbtweenpgs__
November by Audrey Carlan


Review to also be posted on Book Loving Fairy Blog
Star Rating: 5 Stars

I am not sure on this one..took me a little while to get into it and that didn't settle with me at all.

I loved every single one of the others I have read from Audrey but for some reason this one took me some time and it was by far the slowest I have read a book to date.
I did however like how Wes and Mia worked together throughout the whole book and came to what there future would be.
I definitely hope December will go just as good as the others.
I did eventually get into November it just took longer than I like.
I am looking forward to December especially after that little sneak peak into it. I need to know how this pans out for Mia and Maddy and most of all the men in there lives.