A review by alisonheide
And They Lived . . . by Steven Salvatore


I wanted to like this book. I loved the discussions of gender identity and body dismorphia/disordered eating. They were extremely genuine and realistic. However, the writing style almost made me give up at least a dozen times. I 

had to stop multiple times to text friends different snippets of some of the worst dialogue and cringey inner thoughts I have ever heard in my life. There is a very fine line authors walk when including modern slang in books, because it becomes outdated and cringey very quickly due to the online media cycle. This book is only 2 years old and is already extremely out of touch and reminds me of millennials trying to be “with the times.” On top of that, college kids also didn’t talk like that in general back in the olden days of 2022 (and I would know, I was one). 

I wish I could remember this book for its frank exploration of identity and self-acceptance, but I will sadly just remember it for making me roll my eyes and make stank faces at my phone.