A review by jbarr5
Driftwood Cottage by Sherryl Woods


driftwood cottage by sherryl woods
heather has left her boyfriend and took the child with her. his career of a divorce lawyer has made her really think about how things really are.
the family and the extended family all live closeby. she has a quilting shop and that's what keeps her in the Chesapeake shores area. Many family gatherings find them together as they try to work through visitations and getting to know one another again.
Love this series, the big extended family, traditions and keeping uptodate with everybody.
an accident occurs and the whole family comes to help. it's where they belong it was said.
as that is the beginning the recovery is dealt with in the same manner, everybody has time to
help in any way needed.
As the recuperation goes on they start talking to one another about the important things.
I rate this a 5, it's a wonderful series and always look forward to a new title and can't wait for the next one.