A review by mattmatros
Is Just a Movie by Earl Lovelace


While I usually go for character-focused narratives that favor depth over breadth, it was obvious early on in this novel that Lovelace wanted to give a panoramic view of Trinidad and introduce us to many, many characters along the way. I tried as best I could to give this book the benefit of the doubt, and to try to absorb as much as I could even knowing I'd miss many of the political and historical references, and knowing I'd misremember a few characters as I got further and further in. I'm glad I stayed with it.

There are so many great scenes in this book. I found the female characters, and the meticulously described scenes of a new marriage (husband messing up the zipper on his wife's dress; wife staying immobile in bed instead of leaning a few inches over to let husband make contact with her) particularly well rendered. And although I still consider myself woefully ill-informed about Trinidad and Tobago's history, I think I have a better sense of how that country perceives itself, and about some of its more famous traditions (especially calypso) than I had before.

A thought-provoking novel--one of those rare books that is both enjoyable to read, and enjoyable in an entirely different way after having read it.