A review by doodles_and_books
Journey to the Heart of the Abyss by London Shah


Thank you to Little, Brown Books for Young Readers for providing me with an ARC. This has not affected my review, which reflects only my honest opinions.

"Racing is freedom; it’s escaping from everything confusing and painful, and hurtling toward some unidentifiable hope."

My full review can be found here!

Oof. London Shah has dove to greater depths, racing towards a dramatic conclusion full of as much imagination as the first—and even more shocking revelations.

Truly, the worldbuilding of the Light the Abyss duology is incredible. The underwater world is equal parts fascinating and terrifying. It’s intriguing and atmospheric and lures you in immediately, while Shah’s writing transports you so fully into this futuristic underwater world.

This duology explores so many important themes, many of which are more timely now than ever before, and that adeptly weave their way through the book’s conversations surrounding history, identity, and politics. I loved how Journey to the Heart of the Abyss frames the concept of nostalgia. There is comfort, but also room for caution. There is value in being critical of the past, of looking passed the sepia and rose-tinted ideals of “the good, old days.” Clinging too tightly to what was can be even more dangerous than the uncertainty of what could be.

Shah’s protagonist shines throughout. I love Leyla’s enduring optimism, and how fiercely she fights to do the right thing, to fight for the truth in a world so overwhelmingly shrouded in secrets (some darker than others). Her growth in Journey to the Heart of the Abyss was incredible, and I loved how readers are given the opportunity to really see her come into own, in every sense. She has come such a long way, and it’s such a rewarding experience.

There are betrayals and secrecy at every turn to keep you guessing (some of which I got, and others that I absolutely predicted incorrectly!) The book is, for the most part, brilliantly paced—especially towards the end when the truths readers will have been yearning for finally come to light. London Shah also offers such a satisfying delivery for those final revelations and reveals. Journey to the Heart of the Abyss is absolutely a study in how to effectively execute the villainous monologue.

With more searingly poignant social commentary and as much imagination as ever, London Shah has crafted an exquisite ending to a fabulous duology.

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I had the absolute pleasure of being able to read an early draft, and as it’s still in the early draft stages all I will say is: there are things I want to draw.

(And if you know me at all, this is honestly the highest praise I have to give)