A review by carsonelainee
The Catch by Amy Lea


Exes and O's was my first read of 2023, it is only fitting that The Catch is one of my last. I have loved this series by Amy Lea so much. Each book is filled with such heart and humor. Nothing beats Exes and O's for me, but it is a close second.

I hadn't previously felt any attachment to Mel (the FMC in this book), but she quickly became a character that endeared herself to me. Evan was also such a joy of a MMC. He was gruff with a heart of gold, which I feel tends to be the preference for book boyfriends these days. His love language is definitely acts of service and it makes the romance that much sweeter because you can tell that he cares about Mel and you see it in his actions.

The plot is not very original and is definitely a variation of things we, as romance readers, have probably read before. This did not take away from my enjoyment of the book, however. It almost made it comforting because it was like I knew what to expect.

Amy Lea has a gift of being able to infuse such personality into her books. Her characters and settings feel alive and I think that is what I love so much about this series. I cannot wait to see where she goes next.

ARC copy provided by Edelweiss and PRH Audio.