A review by christawatkins
Bay's End by Edward Lorn


If you like Ketchum, Laymon, Garton and Lee, and can stomach bad things (sometimes really bad things) happening to good people, read this. I read the extreme stuff from time to time, and I've sometimes found myself thinking that the impact would be so much greater if I was given more of a reason to care about the people involved.

I got that with this book.

This isn't splatterpunk or shock horror, and it's not anything I would classify as extreme (though I guess that depends on what you're comparing it to), but it does cross some lines that those genres are familiar with. When the veil is lifted on the small town of Bay's End, what lies beneath is somehow both shocking and inevitable. I mean, you knew it was going to be bad or there wouldn't be a book, right? Lorn doesn't hold back or let allusions or implications do the work; we see what Trey sees and we feel his innocence sliding away.

The pace is unrelenting right up until the end.

I will definitely be reading more from Edward Lorn.