A review by holly_hawk_reads_a_lot
Blitz by Devney Perry


Blitz is the second book in the Treasure State Wildcats series. This book is about Toren and Jennsyn. Toren is one of the coaches of the Wildcats football team. Jennsyn is a vollyball player. One of the rules of this college is that staff can not date students.

Toren is hosting a Forth of July party, when he meets Jennsyn. They have a night together, and go their separate ways. However, life throws them a curveball when they end up being neighbors and see each other in the facility he works at often.

What happens when they fall for each other? Will it put his job at risk? So much happened in this book. From Jennsyn having someone controlling in her life, to figuring out how to fight her own battles. Torren trying to find love and happiness.

I'm hoping there is more in this series, because I loved the first two books so much