A review by booknookghost
The Pirate's Wish by Cassandra Rose Clarke


THE ASSASSIN'S CURSE GIVEAWAY: http://yabooknook.tumblr.com/post/51720396438/the-pirates-wish-blog-tour-interview-and-giveaway

Original Review posted at http://yabooknook.tumblr.com/post/47728012043/book-review-the-pirates-wish

So I was lucky enough to get my hands on an ARC of THE PIRATE’S WISH, which was best for my sanity because after finishing THE ASSASSIN’S CURSE I wanted to pull my hair out.

I just needed more.

THE PIRATE’S WISH does not disappoint. Ananna’s voice is just as strong, as is her stubbornness. She has definitely become one of my favorite heroines—she’s flawed and magnificent at it. She doesn’t have it all together and she knows of her own deficiencies, but that’s the thing: she’s scrappy.

Ananna of the Nadir with find ways.

And I can’t say enough for her character development in this book. *slow-clap*

Naji is back with his brooding and awesomeness and chipped little heart, too. He goes through some pretty serious shit stuff in this book, what with basically the whole book being about removing his curse. Also, other things like boy-eating Manticores (I can’t write your name, Manticore, but you were fabulous), having to fake being a pirate, Ananna in general, and overall pain and suffering and blood-bonding. So, yeah, rough. But he’s written so fabulously through it all *swoon*

I don’t want to sound like an idiot (lol who am i kidding all the best people are), but I just loved his and Ananna’s interactions so much. They were so intense and there was so much miscommunication going around and heartbreak and sexytimes. Exactly what I like in a book.

Marjani is also back, with a freaking ship of her own—behold her badassery. And we get to meet so many secondary characters that are perfectly fleshed out—and some that just aren’t, but in good ways. I can’t say how happy it made me that we didn’t know every single little detail about every conflicted character that passed by Ananna and Naji.

In fact, and this holds for both books, I think the characters felt so real because they were as much of a mystery to us as they were to Ananna and they stayed that way.

So basically I loved it. And was so horrified when I had four chapters left and it dawned on me that this was a duology. So this was the last book. The last book! I put the book down and repeated oh shit all the way until my friend gave me ice-cream so I could finish my book.

Like I said, horrified.

PEOPLE OF THE INTERNET: but… you say you love it… and then you give it 4 stars… r u stupid?

ME: Well…

There are two things stopping me from giving THE PIRATE’S WISH 5 stars.

This is the less important one, but which I think more people might care about: The last curse. The way it was resolved didn’t sit right with me. I liked the execution of it, but not the solution. I felt Clarke could have gone in a darker direction and would have complimented the tone of the book better. After so much trouble and heartbreak and suffering, I wanted an even more painful climax before my ship could sail, but it just wasn’t there.

I’m not gonna lie, I felt a little cheated. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the book so so much (I mean, I obviously did if you haven’t picked up on that).

The second reason is a little more personal. And this is not something you’ll read from me often: This could have been a trilogy.

There. I said it.

The fact that this was a duology didn’t hit me until very late in the book when things were starting to get wrapped up, but that was because there is still so much that could get explored in Ananna’s story, so many characters that I expected to meet again, plot lines that I thought would be followed in the ‘next book’ i’m talking about the assassins yes i am. And that, more than anything else, hurt me a little. So much potential! The characters! Their relationship!

My hurt has since then been appeased a little. Cassandra Rose Clarke recently announced that she plans to have another duology set in this world! I. Am. So. Beyond. Excited.

You can bet hell that I will be reading these books.

This has been a very long review, but to summarize: Read it.


Thanks to NetGalley and Angry Robot - Strange Chemistry for the ARC.