A review by buuboobaby
Lord of the Darkwood by Lian Hearn


3.5 - 3.75 stars

This series is somewhat addicting, even given the questionable portrayal of the female characters. Their complete lack of agency is maddening. The writing style is a bit dry, which made me feel like I was being kept at arms length from the characters and the on page action. These are all quick reads, so I will be finishing the series, but I feel that by breaking the series down into four separate books, the publisher did themselves a disservice. Every time I start a new installment of the series, I am frustrated because I can't remember everything that happened in previous books. If possible, I would suggest reading these all in a row, which wasn't possible for me, as I read them shortly after release date. I would probably have enjoyed these more if I just waited to read them all at once.