A review by oreosislife
Any Way the Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell


Who’s good, who’s bad—it’s all about which side of the wand you’re standing on. And who you’re trying to protect.

The one and only reason I started reading this book was SNOWBAZ. Before starting this book I had already made up my mind that if I don't get enough Snowbaz moments I would dnf it without hesitation. But as you can see here I am. I won't say that I loved this book but it wasn't that bad.

"I can only confront a limited number of my mistakes at once— there are too many for me to cope with concurrently.”

In this book we see that someone else is trying to take the "CHOSEN ONE" title which Simon previously held in Carry On. And the thing is that some of the characters from Simon, Baz and Penny's family believe in the "CHOOSEN ONE". New family dramas emerge in this book. A new character Niamh is introduced (whom I didn't like very much). The plot was just okay-ish.

"I know I'll never love anyone like I love Baz. I know he's the love of my life. Of all my lives.”

Let's talk about our love interests from this book. While reading this book it felt like Rainbow Rowell tried very hard to give each and every character an enemies to lovers love story. But believe me when I say the only pairing I loved was of Baz and Simon(of course). I already predicted in Wayward Son (which was kind of obvious) that Penny and Shepard were going to be a thing. And Agatha was given a new romantic interest just for the "Happily Ever After". But that's what I felt.

I thought we had the sort of love that you can't set down or walk away from. An undying fire. The love you hear about in the old stories.
No one told Simon Snow the old stories.”

Like I said before the only reason I read (and ig everyone I read) this book was because of SNOWBAZ. The cuteness Aghhh! I wanted to scream after every Snowbaz moment. My inner fangirl-self came out after every Simon/Baz pov chapters. At one point in the book they honestly brought tears to my eyes.

Is this his midlife crisis? Joining a cult? Other people our age are coming out as bisexual or getting into Normal-style bread-making. (I would prefer either—or both.)”

Now there was a lot of character development in this book. Simon tried very hard to save his relationship with Baz (which he took for granted before). Penelope tried to be less annoying though I still don't like her very much. Shepard acted exactly like the Shepard from Wayward Son (the book which I don't count in the Simon Snow series. I have accepted that it's a duology). Agatha was like the Agatha from Carry On (wasn't expecting much from her). And Baz needs no development because he was/is/will always be the best.

Can I get someone like Lady Ruth in my life please? Am I the only person who could eat cakes for the rest of my life (though I don't think it would be much long because of the sugar)?

(3.5 stars rounded off to 4)