A review by alandd
The Complete Witchblade Volume 1 by Brian Haberlin, Warren Ellis, David Wohl


Aunque hubo momentos en que ni el guión ni el arte me convencieron (es un producto de su tiempo, definitivamente), la mitología parece atractiva, te mantiene interesado en la historia y hay varios momentos en que realmente disfruté de la lectura. Sin embargo, no puedo dejar de lado el hecho de que los últimos capítulos fueron confusos y que hubo exceso de "spreads" de dos páginas. Aunque no es una mala lectura, se queda un poco corta para la época actual.

Although there were times when neither the script nor the art convinced me (it's a product of its time, definitely,) the mythology seems engaging, it keeps you interested in the story, and there are several times when I really enjoyed the reading. However, I can't ignore the fact that the last few chapters were confusing and that there were excess of two-page spreads. Although it's not a bad reading, it falls a bit short for current times.