A review by book_grinch
Driven by Kelley Armstrong


Arc provided by Subterranean Press through Netgalley

Release Date: January 31rt 2016

Continuing my Kelley Armstrong phase _ fifth book in a row but who is counting?_ I was more than willing to start reading this arc.
I don't know what I was expecting _ probably just another short that took place in the Otherworld series _, but I definitely got more than I was expecting...

Let me explain: I've read all the books in the "Women of the Otherworld" series and I've mourned its end, so I wasn't expecting to find out that "the thing" has actually carried on since I've stopped reading it.
This time directed at a more exclusive number of readers...

Yes, from the novels that I've read in the latest Armstrong anthology_some of them also previously edited by Subterranean Press_, it means that this story will probably ONE DAY also be edited in a more generalized way, but until then most Kelley Armstrong fans will probably be stuck waiting.

So, this story, was it worth the read?
Most definitely yes.
Elena and Clay's twins are now nine years old. Karl and Hope are on kid number two. Jeremy and Jaime continue together...
...oh and Malcolm is back. -_-

Okay, and this is where things get tricky, because most events in this book would make much more sense if I had read the previous Subterranean Press volume untitled "Brazen" _ which I didn't, because TIME is scarce, also because I didn't know that the time-line in these stories was that strict!

So reading this, I found out that a certain womaniser character has actually settled down, and that Malcolm _ yes, the big Bad Wolf _ is trying to get back in the Pack.

The story?
Gruesome as it can get: this time a certain clan of werewolf's is being targeted, and Elena faces one of her biggest challenges as alpha.
It was also nice to see that fatherhood has been good to Clayton: he definitely feels more humane that he did in the initial volumes of the series.
The writing is fluid and to the point as ever, so if you're a fan of the series you're probably going to love this as well.