A review by meganyntan
The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne


i had such high hopes for this book bc the premise and the setting were so promising. like a world where gods were real sentient beings that are now dead and their bones are just littering the world? amazing conceptually.

this book started off strong and was promising, to the point where i had recommended it to a friend only a few chapters in. however that was completely preemptive bc then the next 150 or so pages just fucking dragged.

i feel like books with multiple POVs have such high potential for variability in characters and then all 3 characters just ended up being warriors lol... two of them had interesting backstories/motivations but then the last one just had daddy issues? like for why lol. i started to lose interest in their interactions/actions as the story went on.

while it did drag for a while, the story did pick up around the last ~200 pages and especially around the last ~50 pages or so.

this book wasn't unputdownable or anything for me and it took me a whopping more than 2 weeks to read it (which if you know me is a long time bc i basically read a book a day). i found it slightly underwhelming but i think this may be partially my fault bc i had such high expectations due to all the praise this book received. you can really tell that this book was written with future books in mind and with the way it ended i expect to pick up the second installment of the trilogy.

i'd give the first bit of the story 3 stars and the last bit like 4.5 stars so idfk what this means for the rating overall