A review by litwithleigh
The Therapist by Helene Flood


Writing: 3/5 | Plot: 3/5 | Ending: 3.5/5


Sara's husband left her voicemail saying he arrived at the cabin with his besties, but hours later, said besties call and say he's not there. Tres mysterieux....


I always ignore the Goodreads ratings for Nordic Noir, because I know the writing style isn't for everyone. So despite the questionable 3.37, I threw caution to the wind because I'm a hoe for Nordic Noir with a psychologist as a main character. But I have to agree with the ratings this time; this was very okay, much average, many meh.

Like all Nordic Noirs, this was very character driven, but I felt like it didn't go deep enough, especially with her father. Idk if it was the translation, but a lot of the relationships between Sara the MC and other characters wasn't explained until later. For example, her sister Annika is mentioned, but we don't find out it's her sister until a couple chapters later. Also, you glean that her dad must be an academic of some sort, but she doesn't come right out and say of what... ever tbh LOL. You just kinda put it together yourself. Also, maybe I was in the wrong degree or the wrong country or it's the fact I went to a glorified high school for my undergrad, but do students really fawn over their profs and camp out at his office? Seems like something you see in a movie but IRL this would be a major HR issue.

Anyways, I had a hard time with Sara's character too. She's a psychologist and while she's not as off the chain as Dr. Avery (hi, Derek) or the chick from Never Lie, she doesn't act or think like one. She randomly flies off the handle at her husband's friend's wife, but it's written in a way where this behaviour is acceptable to her? She never really delves into why she's dragging her feet about finding clients, etc... she just is who she is, and the reader has to accept this at face value.

The best part of this book is 1) the MC actually gets a state-of-the-art security system when suspicious things start occurring at her house and 2) the the final twist. The breadcrumbs were left behind, so I appreciate that, even if the baddie's actions were a lil OTT. There was no "catching up with a friend" type ending where everyone gets a happy ending thank fuck. I always just skim over those like I really don't care what the protagonist's sister is up to now. Are hoes in jail yes or no???

Not one of my fave Nordic Noirs, but not the worst. Maybe pick it up if you have no other options or it's on sale for zero dollars.


Pros: had to respect the last twist because it was subtly foreshadowed, finally a MC gets some security cameras when spooky shit starts happening in her house

Cons: characterizations didn't go deep enough, just missing that "wowza" factor


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