A review by inkstndfngrs
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children by Kirstin Cronn-Mills


It wasn't that I didn't like the book...but I can't think of anyone I would recommend this too, transitioning or otherwise. It just wasn't powerful enough to really move me. Yeah, Gabe's struggle is a real one, but at the same time...he lacks the ability to (apologies for the pun) "man up" and take control of his issues. He hides on the radio waves and behind this facade he's created. It just kind of reminded me why I don't usually bother with "local" authors. I don't feel like she really did enough research or was knowledgeable enough to work with this subject matter... I know nothing about Kirstin Cronn-Mills and I'm sure if I offended her any way some one will let me know but...for the time being, I just wasn't particularly impressed. If you're looking for an angsty LGBT teen novel, I guess this is a possibility, but there are more impressive reads.