A review by david_reads_books
The Art of Luca by Pixar, Enrico Casarosa, Daniela Strijleva


What a great 'Foreword' to start this book. Enrico Casarosa, the Director of Luca, talks briefly about his real-life childhood friend Alberto. They skateboarded, shot off fireworks, fished off cliffs, and of course swam in the Ligurian coast (the Italian Riviera).

"Chances are you have that one special friend you grew up with whose passion, and sometimes questionable judgement, dragged you into some adventures - what today we'd call "growth opportunities." With this movie I wanted to celebrate the kind of deep friendships that help us uncover who we want to be, the friendships that usher us into adulthood and that we carry with us for the rest of our lives."

I'm assuming you've see the movie "Luca". If not, STOP reading. Go find "Luca" and watch it!

More from the foreword...
"PS: I have a favor to ask... Reach out to that friend you once had from those formative days of awkward adolescence and self-discovery. It'll give you the opportunity to tell them how important they've been in your life. I bet they might even remember some hilarious moments you've long forgotten."

So the artists at Pixar followed Enrico to Italy to see this wonderful colorful setting for themselves. This book is LOADED with vibrantly colored pencil, ink, marker and watercolor sketches you will recognize from "Luca". There are photos and clay-sculptures too. The artists describe each character and the importance of certain aspects of how they drew them for the movie.

If you know a kid (or adult) who fell in love with this movie, buy them this book for their next gift!

I think I might need to watch "Luca" again this weekend!