A review by moondance120
A Nest in the Ashes by Christine Goff


Eric Linenger is a National Park Services ranger involved in a "prescribed burn" near Elk Park, Colorado. The burn goes horribly bad with many acres being destroyed and the body of Eric's boss, Wayne being found in the center of it. The biggest fire is blamed on Wayne although Eric believes it to be a murder. He sets out to clear the name of the man that has been like a father to him.

This is the first book I have read in this series and I see that I need to go back and read the previous two. I enjoyed the characters and the setting. I loved the information on the birds and their habitats. I could have done without feeding the raptors although i do know it is necessary for those in rehab.

The characters are very well done. Eric grew up in Scandinavia and doesn't always understand US idioms. This makes his an endearing character. I like his relationship with Lark and would like to see where it started.

I think the fire portion of the book spoke to me because my father was a firefighter. He was trained in brush fire techniques but it was not used a great deal here in the city when he was with the department. Fire is such a devastating thing. I felt terrible for the loss of the animal habitats.

The mystery was well done and I did not realize who the culprit was until it was revealed. It was a bit of a shocker.

I will need to go back to the beginning of this interesting series and see what else I can learn about birds, bird watching, and the National Parks Service.