A review by mrsgalvan23
Play Me Hard by Tracy Wolff


In the Sebastian and Aria grow even closer in the third installment of this series.

Sebastian takes Aria home after their intense evening and he takes care of her, and puts her to bed. He even stocks her fridge full of food bc he sees she has none. He really is a great guy. However, you learn Sebastian has a regret he lives with from his past and by the end of this novella you have a better idea what it is, but it's still not completely clear.

Aria goes to her parents house to accompany her sick sister, Lucy, to her treatment, along with her mother but is late and they already left. This leads to Aria to have an encounter with her father that leaves her completely shaken, though we don't know what transpired. we only know she runs to Sebastian to help her forget.

Again this installment ends mid scene, but it was a good ending bc it will leave you in suspense.

An ARC of this book was provided to me by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

4 stars!