A review by cadiva
A Cop for Christmas by Jamie Fessenden


Loved this one

Perfect blend of Christmas sweet and spicy with a hint of bitters to stop it being sickly - this book is eggnog in written form.

I must own up to a weakness for law enforcement characters, one of my ex's was a police officer and there's just something about that authority mixed in with an underlying element of subversion when you get them out of uniform which makes me go weak.

I loved all the characters in this one, the slow mutual understanding of attraction which, while it happened only over a few days, felt like it was laying down solid foundations for a lifetime of more.

The town was wonderfully described, the secondary characters bringing it to life and Mason's family had a warmth to them which was comforting.

I'd love to read more about these guys and the dynamic force that was Rufus the Labrador.

And hot damn, that cover!