A review by abogguslife
Article Three by Anna Jakobsson Lund


This opener to the System trilogy, definitely held my attention, and I enjoyed learning more and more about the characters and the setting. I certainly want to read the next two books. The story follows three young/new adults in their attempt to rescue someone from a centre controlled by the System. In their dystopian world, there are no religion or politics, and the Resistance is seeking to free the people from this oppression, even if it has helped keep “peace” in the world for generations. However, not all who claim to have this desire are actually pursuing the same goals. In a story filled with fear of betrayal, Lund explores the interactions of friends, strangers, and supposed allies when trust is put to the test.

Although I wasn’t really sucked into the book until the last 75 pages or so, I enjoyed the ending a large amount and definitely want to continue reading the series. I’m just so curious as to how everything plays out.