A review by kayleigh_kbooks
Copper Girl by Jennifer Allis Provost


Wow. Copper Girl really blew me away. Ever since I heard of Copper Girl I was really intrigued about it and couldn't wait to read it. Especially since my good friend Jennifer Allis Provost wrote it. As soon as my ARC came through my door I instantly had to start it straight away. Copper Girl is positively the most unique book I have ever read and it completely surpassed all of my expectations. I genuinelly loved every single second of it.

Sara has got to be careful. She is a magical being living in a world where magic is forbidden. Coming from one of the most powerful magical families it proves difficult for Sara to deny her heritage. Especially when a mysterious but gorgeous silver elf names Micah starts appearing in her dreams. Sara can't deny the attraction between her and Micah, especially when she realises that he is real and not a figment of her imagination. Now Sara is stuck between hiding her true self and living in the human world or escaping into the Otherworld and being her real self. How long can Sara keep running from herself?

AHH! I have so many feels and loves for this book I don't even know where the heck to start with this review. I just have to say that I now must go and read everything that Jennifer Allis Provost has EVER wrote! I am just completely and utterly in love with her writing. I was completely hooked right from the start and just could not put the book down until I had finished it. I genuinely loved every single moment of this book.

Sara is such a crazy awesome character. I loved her right from the start. She is such a fantastic heroine that is strong and kick-ass who will do anything to protect her family and those she loved. Yet she still has this vulnerability that we see that makes her so much more relatable that everyone can sympathise with her.

Micah... Ahh my Micah! Yes he is mine I have totally claimed him! Right from the first time her appeared I was completely in love with him! He may be an elf but man is he HAWT! He is amazing, he is strong and powerful, sweet and protective and he completely stole my heart in this book! I think I may have to fight Sara for him because he is so my new book boyfriend.

One major thing I adored about this book is the setting. It's something that you will have never seen before. It's a Urban Fantasy novel but it has this kind of dystopia feel to it. There are peacekeepers who keep the Elementals' from practicing their magic and I loved that. I've never seen a cross-over of those genres before and Jennifer pulled it off effortlessly. I adore this world that is fantasy but with a dystopia feel and it makes this book completely unique and something I have never read before.

Copper Girl was literally phenomenal and I seriously cannot wait to read more of this series. It has everything. Romance, Action, Family drama. You name it this book has it. This is without a doubt a must-read for absolutely everyone. It completely blew me away and left me handing dying for the next installment. This book is 100% not to be missed. You must read this book... you won't be disappointed. I absolutely adored every moment of it and I am now going to be begging Jennifer for the next installment NOW!